Hong Kong Treble Choir

Hong Kong Treble Choir

Sound recording of ‘McDull’ animated movies
‘First with Gold Award of Children’s Choir’, 4th Florence Choir Festival in Italy (2015)
‘First with Gold Award of Children’s Choir’, International Youth Music Festival II in Bratislava, Slovakia (2015)
‘Gold Award of Children’s Choir’, 11th China International Chorus Festival in Beijing (2012)‘Category Champion of Children’s Choir’, 10th International Choral Festival ‘The Singing World’ in St. Petersburg (2012)
‘Gold Diploma’ and ‘The Best Conductor Award’, 8th Cantemus International Choir Festival in Hungary (2010)
‘The Outstanding Treble Choir of China Award’, 4th China Treble Choir Festival Competition (2009)
Hong Kong Treble Choir (HKTC) was founded in November 2000. HKTC is honoured to invite a group of renowned choral experts and masters as directors and consultants, including Honorary Advisor Mdm. Barbara FEI, SBS, Honorary Artistic Director Prof Chan Wing-wah, JP and Artistic Director Prof Tong Shiuwai, Leon.

Under the leadership of Prof Tong Shiu-wai, Leon, HKTC has participated in various performances and cultural exchanges in different Asian and European countries. Touring performances were held in different cities in China.
HKTC contributed to music education in Hong Kong by participating in the recording of the primary music textbook Musical Journey demonstrative teaching materials. HKTC was involved in the sound recording of the popular ‘Mcdull’ animation movie series.