Shen Cheng

Shen Cheng

Professor and Supervisor of Doctoral Degree candidates at the China Conservatory of Music, Shen also serves as Director of the Huazhong University of Science and Technology School of Arts, Vice Director of the Ethnic Bowed-String Instrument Society affiliated to Chinese Musicians’ Association, Guest Concertmaster and Artistic Advisor of the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, Guest Professor at the Xinghai Conservatory of Music, Distinguished Postgraduate Instructor at the Jilin University of Arts, and also a contracted artist of Yuehai Instruments.

Shen studied under “Master of bowed instruments” Liu Mingyuan, and was the first scholar in China to earn a Master’s degree in banhu. He has received many accolades, including being named a “Notable Professor of Beijing Institutes of
Higher Learning”, and heralded as China Nationalities Orchestra Society ‘Xin Yi Cup – Chinese Extraordinary Folk Performer’; he also won the Fu Li Tong Cup Chinese Music International Solo Competition Banhu Gold Medal, Inaugural
Cantonese Music National Competition Second Level Performance Award, Ministry of Culture ‘Mount Everest Exceptional Performer Award’, ‘Qu Yongxi Music Education Achievement Award’, and was recognised as a Beijing City Excellent

For years, Shen has been actively involved in music performance around the world, and composed the banhu solo piece Love for the Grasslands, Hometown for banhu and orchestra, and the banhu concerto Trembling of Autumn. Shen has collaborated with multiple acclaimed musicians and both Chinese and Western orchestras, receiving invitations to join art festivals and perform in over 50 countries.

For many years, Shen has been dedicated to music education and cultivating musical talent. Shen has overseen the compilation of multiple volumes of ethnic music curriculum which are now used as the national standard, and published several academic essays. Shen has received invitations to major academic events and adjudicated for major music contests around the world, and planned and organised a series of major music events, making significant contributions to
the development of ethnic music education and the perpetuation of ethnic music traditions.