Zhang Chongxue

Zhang Chongxue

Zhang Chongxue enjoys a stellar reputation in the Chinese music world. A performer and educator, she graduated from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music and previously served as Concertmaster of the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra. Her current roles include Head of Chinese Music at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Guest Concertmaster of the HKCO, Examiner for the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, Guest Tutor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the
Education University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Baptist University, and Artistic Advisor for numerous professional ensembles.

Zhang has performed worldwide and has worked with numerous leading conductors and professional orchestras, including the 21st China Shanghai International Arts Festival, Sochi Winter International Festival of Arts in Russia, Tongyeong International Music Festival in South Korea, ‘Butterfly Lovers, The Great Wall and Rhapsodies - Zhang Chongxue & HKCO’ in Hong Kong, ‘Eco-Huqin Sextet Tokyo Concert with the HKCO Huqin Principals’ in Japan, ‘The Journey’ concert in Malaysia and concerts in Mainland China and other places. She is known for her passionate, captivating style and exquisite technique, the South China Morning Post described her rendition as “navigating through roller coaster-like emotions on a two-string fiddle”, the Ta Kung Pao described her performance of The Butterfly Lovers as “Art Tasting with multi-layer”.

Zhang is a passionate educator, and participates in numerous masterclasses, workshops and outreach courses organised by leading music schools and government organisations. She has also collaborated with major media outlets,
participating in interviews, documentaries and commentary. Her students have gone on to pursue careers with professional ensembles and performance groups, the Music Office of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, and over 20
universities, secondary and primary schools across Hong Kong.